TCS 125 Jahre Erlebnistour Zuerich
TCS 125 Jahre Erlebnistour Zuerich
For the tour featuring experiences and entertainment, NUSSLI realized the light wheel and the show stage, and is also re

TCS Experience Tour Through Switzerland

The Touring Club Suisse (TCS) is celebrating its 125th anniversary. Marking this occasion is a tour of 12 Swiss cities and anniversary celebrations that everyone can share in. For the tour featuring experiences and entertainment, NUSSLI realized the light wheel and the show stage, and is also responsible for logistics and construction management.

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Twelve whole times, the NUSSLI crew will be responsible for assembling the TCS anniversary set in the various Swiss cities and dismantling it again, and is responsible for ensuring that electricity, light, and sound work. 

The concept for the TCS Experience Tour was developed by the agency Bellprat Partner AG. Turnkey provider NUSSLI commissioned Winkler Livecom AG with providing lighting and sound equipment.



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